How to improve your gas mileage

Did you know that there are ways to improve your gas mileage?

You can do several things to help conserve fuel and get the most out of every tank.

In this post, we’ll discuss some easy tips that will help you save money on gas. Read on to learn more!

  1. Check your tire pressure. One of the simplest and most effective ways to improve gas mileage is to check your tire pressure regularly. Under-inflated tires can decrease fuel efficiency by up to 3%, so ensure that your tires are properly inflated.
  2. Use the right kind of fuel. In general, using premium fuel will not improve your gas mileage, so it’s best to stick with the type of fuel recommended by your car’s manufacturer. If you decide to switch to a different fuel grade, be sure to check your owner’s manual for guidance on how this might affect your car.
  3. Avoid excessive braking and acceleration. Sudden braking and accelerating can decrease your gas mileage by up to 15%, so try to drive steadily and avoid rapid speed changes.
  4. Plan your trips carefully. Planning your trips ahead of time can help minimize the number of unnecessary stops you make during your journey. 
  5. Drive calmly and steadily. In addition to avoiding excessive braking and acceleration, it’s also important to maintain a calm driving style overall. Driving in a relaxed, steady manner can help save gas by reducing unnecessary wear and tear on your car.

If you have questions about how to save on gas or your insurance coverage, give us at Thompson Insurance Services a call today. We proudly serve the Highland Village, TX area.